GMR Supreme Dream Buckette – aka “Buckette”

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GMR Supreme Dream Buckette – aka “Buckette”Buckette is the eldest of my mare herd. She’s definitely in charge, but at the same time is easygoing, bright, sturdy, and easily trainable. She is ex-tremely docile with humans; well-be-haved when being led, tied, groomed, and having her hooves trimmed. She, too, has excellent hooves and her overall health condi-tion is superb. She is a refined mare, with soft, round eyes and a beautiful head. Her black points are very sym-metrical and her buckskin color re-sembles light-wheat golden blonde with subtle dappling.

Buckette is the most trusting mare with her foals that I have ever seen. While each newborn foal is being imprinted with gentle human con-tact, she stands quietly observing or eating; she has never been aggresive in any way. She has the patience of Job while her little ones nurse, play, and learn about life. It’s a rare occa-sion that she reprimands them for any behavior, the only exception being when they try to take her food!

Notice the quality and thickness of Buckette’s mane and tail. You can see her pretty, “soft” round eyes and kind facial expression.

GMR Supreme Dream Buckette – aka “Buckette”

GMR Supreme Dream Buckette – aka “Buckette” with foal

Buckette with her first foal… a filly. Haylo was born April 16, 2012.

GMR Supreme Dream Buckette – aka “Buckette”

GMR Supreme Dream Buckette's foal
GMR Supreme Dream Buckette – aka “Buckette” with foal

Click Here to view Buckette's Family Tree